Compassion of Christ Ministries

Mark 6:34 "…and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd… "

Jesus and the Demon-Possessed Men of the Gadarenes

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Revelation 12:7-9
7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.



Then Jesus and the people with Him sailed to the 1 other side of the sea, to the countryside of the 2 Gerasenes/the region of the Gadarenes, which is opposite the region of Galilee. When Jesus got to the other side, into the region of the Gadarenes, and when He got out of the boat and went onto the land, immediately 3 two men who were 4 demon-possessed met Him because 5 at least one of the men had seen Jesus from far-off. 6 At least one of the men was from the surrounding city.

The two men were coming out of the tombs, because 7 at least one of them had not been living in a house, but had been living among the tombs. Both of these men were so extremely violent, that no one could pass by that way. For at least one of the men, no one was able to bind him anymore, even with a chain. This is because even though he had often been bound with 8 shackles and chains, and kept under guard, the demon had seized him many times, so he would break his bonds. The chains had been torn apart by him and the shackles broken in pieces, and the demon would drive him into the wilderness/the desolate desert and no one was strong enough to subdue him. Also, for at least one of the men, he had not put on any clothing for a long time, and constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains, and gashing himself with stones.

When the men met Jesus, they ran up and at least one of the men 9 bowed down before Him. And both of the men cried out (under the power of the demons), saying, “What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come to torment us 10 before the time?” More specifically, one of the men, shouting with a loud voice said, “What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You, I beg You, by God, do not torment me!” The demon was saying this because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the men, saying to at least one of the men, 11 “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” Jesus was asking the demon in at least one of the men, 12“What is your name?” And the demon said to Him, “My name is 13 Legion; for we are many”; because for at least one of the men, 14 many demons had entered him.

The demon calling himself Legion began to implore Jesus earnestly 15 not to send them out of the country and all of the demons were imploring Him not to command them to go away 16 into the abyss. Now there was a large herd of swine feeding at an unspecified distance from them, yet nearby, on the mountain. The demons implored Him, saying, 17 “Send us into the swine so that we may enter them.” 18 Jesus gave them permission and He said to them, “Go.” And the demons came out of both of the men, the unclean spirits entered the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake, 19 about two thousand swine; and they perished by drowning in the water of the sea.

When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they ran away and 20 reported everything, including what had happened to the demoniacs, in the city and out in the country. And behold, the whole city came out and all the people of the country of the Gerasenes and the surrounding district, to meet Jesus and to see what it was that had happened. They came to Jesus and observed at least one of the men who had been demon-possessed sitting down, at the feet of Jesus, clothed and 21 in his right mind, the very man who had been possessed by the “legion”. And the people who had come out 22 became frightened. Those who had seen what had happened described to the crowd of people how it had happened to the demon-possessed man, how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well and all about the swine. When the people saw how it had been because of Jesus that the man had become well, they implored Him to leave them and their region, for they were gripped with great fear.

As Jesus was getting into the boat to leave, the man who had been demon-possessed was imploring Him that he might accompany Him. And Jesus did not let him, but He said to him while sending him away, 23 “Go home to your people, return to your house and report/describe to them what great things the Lord God has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.”

And the formerly demon-possessed man went away and proclaiming throughout the whole city and in Decapolis, what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed. And then Jesus got into the boat and 24 returned.


Gertie the Pig’s Portrait


1 other side of the sea: The Sea of Galilee, because Luke 8:26 tells us they are opposite of the region of Galilee.  (Back)

2 Gerasenes/the region of the Gadarenes: The region was probably known by both names, depending on the people/culture. “The Gerasenes” takes its name from a city of Decapolis called Gerasa, and “The Gadarenes” takes its name from another city of Decapolis called Gadara. The main point is that both names for the region take their names from cities of Decapolis(Back)

3 two men: Matthew tells us that there were two men, while Mark and Luke mention only one of the men. This might be because the one man mentioned in Mark and Luke becomes a true follower of Jesus, as is evidenced in the man’s staying with Jesus (Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35), his wanting to accompany Jesus in His ministry (Mark 5:18), and his subsequent evangelizing afterwards (Mark 5:20; Luke 8:39). The Bible doesn’t really say why only one of the men is mentioned in Mark and Luke, so we can only guess. (Back)

4 who were demon-possessed: Who can be possessed by demons? Anyone who isn’t filled with the Holy Spirit. Not even Satan himself could occupy a true bond-servant of God because he would have to overthrow the Holy Spirit in order to do so. See 1 John 4:4(Back)

5 at least one of the men had seen Jesus from far-off: We do not know how far away Jesus was when the man/demon spotted Him. However, the Greek word used for distance in Mark 5:6 is makrothen and it means “from afar, far off, far away, a (long) distance”. It is most probable that the boats being used were ordinary fishing boats (more than likely belonging to one of the fishermen amongst the disciples). Back then, fishing boats were very plain, and didn’t have identifying tags or cute names etched to the stern or side to single them out. It would have been impossible for the demon-possessed man to know who was in the boat, in his natural state as a human being. Click here to see what a boat from Jesus’s time would have looked like.  (Back)

6 At least one of the men was from the surrounding city: We don’t know exactly which city was closest to the spot where Jesus and His crew landed. It is Luke who says that one of the men is “from the city” after mentioning that Jesus had sailed to the country/region of the Gerasenes, across from Galilee (Luke 8:26-27).  (Back)

7 at least one of them: Matthew does not give much information about the two demon-possessed men, and so most of the information known about the human condition of the demon-possessed men is from Mark and Luke, but they only mention the one man. It is possible that Mark was writing of one man and Luke the other, but we don’t know this for sure. It is very probable that both men had been living in the tombs. In all probability, whatever was said about the one man was true for the other man as well.  (Back)

8 shackles and chains: During the Roman Empire era, shackles and chains were made from iron. For an example of what shackles may have looked like for these demon-possessed men, click here(Back)

9 bowed down before Him: I have heard a pastor say in his sermon for a radio program that the demon-possessed man bowed out of mockery. This is not true. The demon bowed out of fear, since the demons were thinking that they would either be banished from the region or tossed into the abyss. Also see James 2:19, where in describing demons’ general reaction to God, the Greek word used for shudder is phrissó and means “tremble, to shiver in fear, shudder (in fear)”.  (Back)

10 before the time: The demons are well aware what their future holds (see Revelation 20). What they feared was an early start to the torment, or perhaps something akin to the punishment meted out to some of their fellow demons who stepped out of bounds (Jude 1:6-7).  (Back)

11 “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”: We know from the Bible that demon-possessions can be violent, as evidenced by this story, as well as by Luke 9:38-42. There are many dramatic movies and reality TV shows depicting demon-possessions, hauntings and exorcisms for entertainment purposes. In truth, exorcisms can be ineffective (Matthew 17:14-20) or even dangerous (Acts 19:1-16) to perform, if one is not in complete dependence on Christ to cast demons away. (Back)

12 “What is your name?”: Jesus was not asking the demon its name because He didn’t know it; He asked the name so that the witnesses watching what was happening to these men knew that many demons had been involved in the possession. It is also possible that the response from the demon was for the benefit of the two demon-possessed men, so that they would know who it was (and how numerous they were) that tortured them. Demons don’t have to obey humans, or give them information, so it is possible that these terrorized souls had only a partial understanding of what was happening to them.  (Back)

13 Legion: Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30 tell us the group name that the demons are collectively labeled with. Legión is a Greek word which refers to the ancient Roman army and its organization of infantry divisions. A legión contained at least 6,000 infantry, not counting the cavalry that was included.  (Back)

14 many demons had entered him: Jesus explains at least one way someone might get possessed by multiple demons in Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26. (Back)

15 not to send them out of the country:  Why would the demons want to stay in that region? It’s not clear from the accounts that we are reading, but Jesus does say in Matthew 12:43 that when a demon leaves a person, it wanders through waterless places, seeking rest but not finding it. It is possible that the demons had a comfortable situation here in this region, with plenty of people to infest and lots of sin to participate in, and therefore they didn’t suffer from the wandering described by Jesus. We just don’t know, but using our limited understanding of demons, this is a logical assumption.   (Back)

16 into the abyss: Our understanding of the abyss comes from several places in the Bible, but Jesus Himself sums it up succinctly in Matthew 8:12. There are demons already occupying the abyss, due to their obstinate refusal to stay in their proper place of authority (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6-7). We can safely assume that the “legion” of demons believe that they also will be cast into the abyss because they are traversing outside of the domain allowed to them by God.  Tempting humans (Ephesians 6:11-12), terrorizing humans (when allowed by God, 1 Samuel 16:14-23) and even harassing them with horrible disease and horrid events does seem to be allowed (again, when allowed by God), as shown in the book of Job and in 2 Corinthians 12:7.  For a few references on hell/the abyss see Isaiah 30:33, Matthew 25:41, Revelation 19:20, 20:1-3; 7, 10(Back)

17 “Send us into the swine…”: Why would the demons ask to go into the swine? Jesus Himself tells us that when demons have no person to house themselves in, they are wandering with no rest (Matthew 12:43). And, although the Bible doesn’t specify this, I believe that Jesus would not allow the demons to simply go and infest someone else. The swine must have been the next best thing to possess, albeit, the least desirable thing, as animals don’t participate in sin; sin is a human activity as well as demonic activity (see 1 John 3:8). It is my belief that demons, although their first priority is to try to drag any and all humans from God (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Peter 5:8), they revel in the sin and mocking God’s order.  (Back)

18 Jesus gave them permission:: The Bible gives no indication as to why Jesus gave the demons permission to possess the pigs. The only thing that we can be sure of is that Jesus allowed the death of the pigs for a reason. God is not arbitrary; He always has a reason, although we may never know what the reasons are, see Romans 11:33-36(Back)

19 about two thousand swine: There is a “legion” of demons possessing the men, which would logically indicate that the number of demons participating in the infestation would be at least 6,000. However, the demons could be using the word “legion” figuratively to mean “many”, as the spokesdemon mentioned in Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30. This number of 2,000 swine does not give us an exact indication of the number of demons, as each pig could be infested with multiple possessions, just like the men. It does tell us that there were at least 2,000 demons, though. The terror that these men must have suffered while under possession is unimaginable.  (Back)

20 reported everything: We don’t know how long the herdsmen were gone while they were reporting everything in the city and the country. It could have been a few hours or a few days. We can be relatively certain that at least a few people who heard these fantastic reports spread the news, too, but the Bible makes no mention of that.  (Back)

21 in his right mind: Today, most people refuse to recognize the cause of any mental illness as demon possession. Although demon possession is not the reason every person has a mental illness, it can be the reason. It may happen more often than we think; it may be a very rare occurrence. We can only be sure that the Bible says that it can happen, and avoid assuming that any person with a mental illness “must be” possessed by a demon. (Back)

22 became frightened: This fear reaction to Jesus’s power calls to mind the reaction of the disciples, when Jesus calmed the sea, right before this event (Mark 4:41). The power of God is frightening and amazing and nothing is too difficult for Him (Jeremiah 32:17).  (Back)

23 “Go home to your people…”: The people we love are the first mission field that we all have. God may add things for us to do later on, but our beginning task is to take our newly changed minds, our brand new beginning in life with Jesus and to tell those we know and love how He has had mercy on us and the great things He has done for us. But we can’t stop there. We must also show them the changes that have taken place by living a quiet and godly life (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12). This is also how we will be able to identify other true followers of Christ, by the fruit of godliness in their lives (Matthew 7:16-20). Note that these things are a continuous showing of proof, the habit of our lives, not just a “one and done” thing.  (Back)

24 returned: We know from Matthew 9:1, Jesus returned to Capernaum.  (Back)