Compassion of Christ Ministries

Mark 6:34 "…and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd… "

Category: Splice

Jesus’s life and ministry spliced together from all accounts

  • Temptation of Jesus: 40 Days in the Desert

    Text Used to Create the Splice “40 Days in the Desert” Matthew 4:1-11 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 4:1) Mark 1:12-13 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 1:12) Luke 4:1-13 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 4:1)   Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,… Read more

  • The Baptism of Jesus

    Text Used to Create the Splice “The Baptism of Jesus” Matthew 3:13-17 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 3:13) Mark 1:9-12 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 1:9) Luke 3:21-22 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 3:21) John 1:32-34 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 1:32)   Mark 1:8 I baptized you with water; but… Read more

  • Jesus Feeds the 5000

    Text Used to Create the Splice “Jesus Feeds the 5000” Matthew 14:13-21 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 14:13) Mark 6:30-44 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 6:30) Luke 9:10-17 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 9:10) John 6:1-13 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 6:1)   Exodus 16:13-15 13 So it came about at… Read more

  • The Resurrection of Jesus Part Two

    Text Used to Create “The Resurrection of Jesus” Splice Series Matthew 28:1-20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 28:1) Mark 16:1-20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 16:1) Luke 24:1-53 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 24:1) John 20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 20:1) John 21 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 21:1)… Read more

  • The Resurrection of Jesus Part One

    Text Used to Create “The Resurrection of Jesus” Splice Series Matthew 28:1-20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 28:1) Mark 16:1-20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 16:1) Luke 24:1-53 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 24:1) John 20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 20:1) John 21 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 21:1)… Read more

  • The Burial of Jesus

    Text Used to Create the Splice “The Burial of Jesus” Matthew 27:57-66 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 27:57) Mark 15:42-47 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 15:42) Luke 23:50-56 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 23:50) John 19:31-42 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 19:31)   Revelation 21:4 “…and He will wipe away every… Read more

  • Jesus Before Pilate, the Second Time

    Text Used to Create the Splice “Jesus Before Pilate, the Second Time” Matthew 27:15-31 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 27:15) Mark 15:6-20 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 15:6) Luke 23:13-25 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 23:13) John 18:38 – 19:16 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 18:38)   Psalm 17:5 My steps… Read more

  • Jesus Before Pilate, the First Time

    Text Used to Create the Splice “Jesus Before Pilate, the First Time” Matthew 27:1-2 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 27:1 ) Matthew 27:11-14 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 27:11) Mark 15:1-5 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 15:1 ) Luke 23:1-12 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 23:1 ) John 18:28-38 (Greek Text… Read more

  • The Last Supper Part Seven

    Text Used to Create “The Last Supper” Splice Series Matthew 26:17-36 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 26:17) Mark 14:12-32 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 14:12) Luke 22:7-40 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 22:7) John 13:1-18:1 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 13:1)   Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun… Read more

  • The Last Supper Part Six

    Text Used to Create “The Last Supper” Splice Series Matthew 26:17-36 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Matthew 26:17) Mark 14:12-32 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Mark 14:12) Luke 22:7-40 (Greek Text Analysis starting with Luke 22:7) John 13:1-18:1 (Greek Text Analysis starting with John 13:1)   Isaiah 65:18 But be glad and rejoice forever in… Read more